Top 10 Diet Plan and Weight loss Tips

Top 10 Diet Plan and Top 10 Weight loss Tips
Lots of people around the world torture themselves with fasting, or adopting life-threatening drugs in order to lose weight and gain hourglass figures. Thankfully, there are some good diet plans and weight loss tips compiled by qualified nutritionists and health experts to help you succeed. 

It is important to keep in mind that the combination of a good diet and workout is the key for healthy weight loss. Thereafter, chalk out your diet plan by keeping in mind the following top 10 weight loss tips suggested by health experts.

1) Drink plenty of clean water to keep your body hydrated, and to reduce your hunger. If you cannot drink plain water, add some juice or squeeze some lemon in it.

2) You should avoid feeling hungry, since when you are hungry, you tend to overeat. Break up your meals in to 5-6 small portions and eat after every 2-3 hours. A proper breakfast is very important, since it does not let you feel much hungry during the rest of the day.

3) Fresh fruits and vegetables pack beneficial fibers, vitamins and anti-oxidants. Always keep them handy and eat them in small quantity whenever possible. Being low in calories, they keep your calorie count low.

4) Incorporate the healthy, low-calorie foods in your diet plan. Check out recipe books for these healthy and tasty recipes.

5) Always eat fresh food instead of packaged and convenient food. You will be amazed at how effective home cooked food is for your weight loss.

6) Add some physical activity in your life for fast weight loss. Doing cardiovascular and aerobic exercises in the morning kick-starts your metabolism and keeps burning fats throughout the day. In addition to that, see where you can sneak in some exercise in your daily routine. You may walk over to visit your neighbors instead of talking to them on phone.

7) Your top 10 diet plan will never be complete without green tea. Green tea has been scientifically proven to contain polyphenols, which is a powerful antioxidant. Most importantly, green tea reduces cholesterol levels in your

8) People who are on a weight loss program consider milk, cheese and ice cream as taboo. However, completely shunning these products can be harmful. Researchers have found that human body burns more fats in presence of calcium and produces more fats in absence of calcium. Hence you may include milk and milk products with little or no fat content in your diet plan.

9) Maintain a food diary and note down your diet plan and weight loss patterns as you proceed with your balanced diet regime. This will help you monitor your progress.

10) Set realistic goals for weight loss and work sincerely to achieve them. Do not check your weight every day, since you will tend to get confused or discouraged.
Following these valuable resources will help you set up your diet plan and get you started on your way to achieving that healthy and fit body you have always dreamt of.

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